October 24th – 27th 2024


Seignosse, France

This October, I am delighted to offer the Women of the Wave supported by O’Neill the fourth edition of my BE 21 workshops.

We have 14 exclusive places available for surfers who are motivated to progress!
This weekend is perfect for you if you are an intermediate surfer looking for the keys to elevate your skills.

The program, priced at 750 euros all-inclusive*,
is structured around three core areas:

Focus on Mental and Physical Readiness

Focus on In-Action Coaching and Execution

Recovery & Reflection
Focus on Post-Surf Recovery and Improvement


Focus on warming up, both mentally and physically, to prepare for your surf sessions.
This includes a stretching session, yoga, and nutritional guidance specifically tailored for surfing.


Receive personalized coaching and support while surfing. Your sessions will be filmed, providing a unique opportunity to analyze and improve your technique. You will have three big sessions with Paul on the beach to capture your waves, while Johanne will be in the water with you. After each session, you’ll receive video feedback from both Johanne and Paul, offering insights that are sure to be a game changer!

Recovery & Reflection

Learn how to properly warm down and what’s best for your body to recover. We’ll cover post-surf movement routines, nutrition for recovery, and review the footage from your sessions to help you adjust and improve.

This program is designed to push your limits, enhance your skills, and inspire a lasting commitment to your personal growth in and out of the water.

— Johanne Defay

Quick Overview

Arrive Thursday 24th October between 15:00 and 17:00
(Shuttle options form Biarritz Airport)

3 Nights Accomodation
(In the
Villa Orgosse natural lodge)

3 Surf Lessons
(I will be joining in the water to share as many waves as I can!)

3 Video Review Session
(Paul will go through footage and will give pointers)

3 Yoga Session
(I will lead classes based on my training routine)

4 days of amazing and nourishing healthy meals
(All hand made by our favourite chef Lisa.
The food is locally sourced and chosen by heart by Lisa)

Depart Sunday 27th October between 15:00 and 17:00
(Shuttle options form Biarritz Airport)

A Little Taste of What to Expect –

A Little Taste of What to Expect –

I really felt myself grow over the course of the weekend. Being in that nurturing environment really helped me to push my limits and I am amazed at what I was capable of achieving.

— Justine (2022 Participant)